Welcome to MAGA:the unzine!

A Letter from the MAGA staff:
The current issue:
Greetings Reader,
We've finally gone online! Please note, however, MAGA is NOT an online publication. For the time being, we are happy displaying our work in the "traditional style"--black and white, and on paper. We decided to set this site up as a simpler means for our readers to send us feedback, a way to increase our distribution, and to provide a forum for submitting your work to us that you would like to share with the world. Go on and browse around to get a feel for what MAGA:the unzine is all about. As always, feel free to send us your comments and/or suggestions.

Warmest regards,

The MAGA:the unzine staff

Take the T-shirt Survey!

We're getting close to meeting the minimum, it looks like MAGA shirts will become reality. If you have not yet submitted your survey, please do so now! Not only will it help us gauge how many to have made, but when they get printed, you'll be guaranteed a shirt!


September/October '99

Is this the issue you have? If not, you better subscribe now before you miss even more MAGA!!

Missed some for sure? Check out the back issues to see how many.


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